Socrates API

Accessing Socrates probing technology requires making three different API calls:

All requests and responses will be contained in an XML structure and transferred by HTTP POST. To begin you will need the projectId of the project you will wish to access. The projectId can be found under the Projects tab.

First you will make a call to the start service using the projectId. The start service will return a unique token or respondent id which will be used for all future API calls.

Once obtaining the token value the variable service must be used to pass the two required variables. The first variable to pass is the externalId variable. This variable is used to match data in Quester’s databases with data in the user’s databases. This value is defined by the user and should uniquely identify the current Socrates probing session.

The second variable service call is used to pass the question variable. The question variable is the text of the initial question which will be shown to the respondent. Once the externalId and question variable values have been passed to the variable service you are ready to start calling the talk service. The externalId and question values must be passed to the variable service before calling the talk service.

Pass the token value to the talk service to obtain the question which will be displayed to the respondent. Respondent responses should be returned to the talk service and multiple talk service calls should be made until a type of COMPLETE is returned.