Additional Information

JSON Format

The JSON object that you will send to the Aristotle OnDemand API has the following format:

    "access_token" : "VfMKvK55Zu0tvScdvg09M_9Q4O-H-QXEzJUU_fTW4bI",
    "data" : {
        "stimuli" : [
            {"name" : "Tell me about your favorite food.", "type" : "Verbatim"},
            {"name" : "QOE100_a", "type" : "Verbatim"},
            {"name" : "5", "type" : "Verbatim"}
        "responses" : [
            {"How was your day?":"It was the day I was meant to have.", "QOE100_a" : "I was promoted.", "5" : "No, thanks."},
            {"QOE100_a" : "I didn't get a raise."},
            {"How was your day?":"My day was amazing.", "5" : "That would be awesome."}

JSON Format in Detail

The JSON object that you will send to the Aristotle OnDemand API must contain the following parts.

access_token String obtained from your account page at
data Object containing stimuli and responses.
stimuli Array of Stimulus objects.
respondents Array of Response objects.

Stimulus Object

The Stimulus object has two parameters determining it’s name and type

name The name is required can be as simple or complex as you need. However, shorter names are recommended to reduce the size of the POST data.
type The type is required and must be one of the following: Verbatim. (Only verbatims are handled at this time.)

Response Ojbect

The response object contains a key/value pair for each stimulus response. The key should match a stimulus name given in the stimuli array. The value will be the respondent’s response for that stimulus.

Responses for keys that are not defined in the stimuli array are ignored. If two or more responses are given for the same stimulus name, only the last response in the Response object will be used.

A respondent need not have a response for every stimulus. You can simply omit any key/value pairs for any stimuli that a respondent did not respond to.